
Embodied Dream Weaving was founded by Libby Rose Waite; a mythopoetic therapist, embodiment guide, guardian of the imaginal and Dream Witch. This is a sanctuary for untamed souls, mystics, visionaries and seekers who long for wholeness, wildness and freedom

Explore our One to One and Collective Offerings.

This is a space where Dreams are more than fleeting whispers of the night.

Here, Dreams are revolutionary portals to our deepest belonging, liberation and interconnection.

At the heart of Embodied Dream Weaving lies a devotion to one profound truth:

Dreams are sacred.

In a world dominated by the Western, patriarchal and colonial powers, the divine act of dreaming has been suppressed. Dream is severed from our daily lives and from our collective psyche. We have forgotten how to listen to the wisdom of Dreams, trust the mystery and live from our embodied connection to the imaginal.

We are living through devastating times. As the polycrisis intensifies and suffering seeps into more and more of waking life, Dreams offer a sanctuary. Not because they are a place of escapism, but because they are deeply nourishing. They hold a wisdom that is needed now more than ever. They remind us to trust in life, earth and the shimmering dark. When we Dream, we are resourced. We are returned. We are rekindled. 

Dreams are an innate, creative force. A link to the imaginal realms where the wisdom of the body, psyche and earth converge. Embodied Dream Weaving exists to help you rediscover this profound source of belonging, aliveness and freedom.

Here, we invite you to reclaim the birthright of your Dreams.
To trust the creative throb of life.
To weave your Dreams into our collective liberation.

In these times, it is our duty to keep dreaming a world where all beings are free.

“Dreamwork is that middle ground where you can attend to the reciprocal and dynamic exchange between your soul and the soul of the world.”

Toko-Pa Turner


A Pathway to Belonging

Embodied Dream Weaving offers an embodied re-education. A way to deepen your connection to body, psyche and Dream as a means to decolonise your soul and live from your essential wild power. Through somatic Dream Therapy, embodied movement, ritual and storytelling, we guide you to listen for the call of wholeness, wildness and freedom within your Dreams, your body and the earth itself. Our approach is rooted in Depth Psychology, Somatic Psychology, Non-Dual Shaiva Tantra, Humanistic Therapies and cutting-edge embodied facilitation.

We create Dream containers for you to:

Access the imaginal realm and embrace the unknown with trust.

Experience liberation through your body and the animate forces of life.

Cultivate embodied belonging, interconnection and creative power.

Here, we don’t just interpret Dreams. We live them.


libby se waite

I am a mythopoetic therapist, embodiment guide and Dream Witch devoted to helping others access the imaginal realms. My journey has been shaped by the wisdom of Depth Psychology, Tantra and the somatic arts. But more than that, it has been shaped by a profound trust in the mystery of life and its ability to guide us toward wholeness. 

I believe in the revolutionary power of Dreams to heal, hold and connect us.

Dreams are a portal to our innate aliveness, interconnectivity and magic. They call us back to the wildness of our being, to the wisdom of the earth and to the mystery of our collective belonging. I envision a world where Dreams are seen as sacred, where we remember how to move with the wisdom of image and story and where the animating forces of life guide us to live fully. 

This is why I founded Embodied Dream Weaving: To reawaken the sacred act of dreaming as a path to freedom.


Dreaming is an act of rebellion.

The Western, patriarchal and colonial paradigm dominates our world. It also seeks to dominate your psyche. To separate you from the innate creative process of Dream which is your birthright.

But what if there is another way?

Dreams offer us a profound alternative. A space where our souls can remember what it means to be whole, alive and interconnected.

Embodied Dream Weaving is a call to decolonise your soul. To experience liberation through body. To carve pathways back to the imaginal realm.

The imaginal is a space of deep-rooted belonging and the place where you can slip into the wisdom of Dream and stitch yourself back into the fabric of belonging.

We work with the imaginal realms through Dream Therapy, embodied movement sessions, Som-active Imagination, ritual and mythopoetic storytelling to root you in the wisdom of the animate forces.

Whether you are longing to embody the mystery of Dream, learn the language of the somatic unconscious or yearn for a greater sense of belonging to all of life, Embodied Dream Weaving provides a sacred pathway that is devoted to collective liberation.

Dream your way home to Self.
Weave yourself back into the collective. Liberate your soul.

Thank you, for your tender holding of me, my dream and all that was seen and unseen in the space between and around us yesterday. I really appreciated your beautiful creation of cocoon that allowed me to soften and deepen into my imaginal. I knew I would only be able to meet this dream again, held by another rooted in their integrity and experience. I'm grateful to have shared that with you. I could really feel you holding me and the space, and appreciated your gentle invitations into the unfurling and the spaciousness you offered to allow it to be true. Sending you deep love and gratitude, and wishes on winds from the East.
