the eam


Hello, World!

Do you long to liberate your soul and meet more and more aspects of yourself through the somatic unconscious? The Dream Sanctuary will teach you to create a devoted, creative and spiritual practice that is in service of collective liberation. This is a space for you to immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Dream World and deepen your connection to body, psyche and earth. The Dream Sanctuary is sacred six-month container where we honour the mystery of Dreams through somatic practices, storytelling and imaginal exploration. 

The Sanctuary Opens at the Autumn Equinox

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“I encourage you to think of psyche as a place, accessible to each of us, where we can travel to be in communion with the sacred. There is a constant exchange taking place between the imaginal and material worlds.”

Toko-Pa Turner

The Dream Sanctuary is a means to deepen into Dream through community. You will come to know the mystery of Dream through one another and commune with the mystery through your body. You will also study the greats of Depth Psychology and explore how different traditions of Dream Work have honoured the sacred intelligence of Dream. The Dream Sanctuary will support therapists, healers, embodiment guides, mental health practitioners, ritualists, artists or anyone looking to amplify the creative force that animates Dream and life. 

We will meet online to co-weave our Dreams and open the portal to the imaginal through our bodies. 

The Dream Sanctury includes:

Weekly somatic practices so you can melt back into Dream and drop more deeply into your body

Exploration and honouring of Indigenous Dream practices to immerse you in the richness of ritual, ceremony and storytelling

Dream Nidras to exercise your dreaming powers, find more ease and become more resourced

Lucid dreaming tools and techniques so you can delve into the imaginal and commune with what is alive there

Monthly 1:1 Dream Therapy Sessions to support your process and meet what is unravelling for you

The study of the masters and methods of Depth Psychology to root you in the spirit of the depths

Dreams Circles to build your capacity to sit with Dreams, embody Psyche and honour symbol

The Oracle

 (high income, access to funds)


The Prophet

(medium income, average disposable income)


The Witch

(low income or in receipt of benefits)


The Dream Sanctuary is priced according to need. If you are able to pay the higher tier, know that you are creating the means for someone else to access a lower tier. In this way, we support and honour one another and help make this work accessible to more and more people. If you can pay more, thank you for your support. Payment plans are available and you can choose to spread these over 6 or 12 months.

“There is no perfection in this work or this art or this life - there is only love and a deep seeded willingness to imagine and reimagine over and over what this existence gets to be.”

Joél Leon

“As I feel into the experience of the Embodied Dream Circle I notice a watery energy moving through me. Just like water dreams feel both tangible and intangible, graspable and ungraspable. A paradox to live in close relationship with that infuses life with a meaning that can’t be put into words, it has to be experienced, painted, poured out into poetry. Sitting in dream circle with Libby feels like a communication between souls, a sharing of soul language. It is one of those experiences that has to be held lovingly and lightly so that it has room to move, shift, and undulate. I felt so blessed to have my dream be received and to then be offered a glimpse into the symbolism of psyche in another humans dream. I was amazed by how easily we slipped into the imaginal together and had a shared experience in realm of dreams.”



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