A month-long experiential journey into the hidden language of soul.
Animate waking life through the symbolic realm, deepen your self-awareness and surrender to your intuition.
“Salvation is a long road that leads through many gates.
These gates are symbols. Each new gate
is at first invisible; indeed it seems at first that
it must be created, for it exists only if one has dug
up the spring's root, the symbol.”
Carl Jung
Symls awakening
This online course is an immersive and experiential journey into the power of symbols—the ancient language of the somatic unconscious. Through guided movement sessions, Dream circles and Som-Active Imagination, you’ll feel how 5 key Symbols of Awakening long to speak through you.
Symbols have been used for centuries as beacons which guide us forward.
Which invite us into deeper truths.
Which reveal more and more of the mystery.
In this course, you’ll explore how Symbols enliven soul and guide you on your own path of awakening.
29 March to 30 April, £120
We begin under the New Moon in Aries and Eclipse, 29 March,
and finish on the eve of Beltane, 30 April.
Symbols of Awakening includes:
Symbols of Awakening Workshop: to introduce you to Symbology from the perspectives of depth psychology, animism and the somatic unconscious. - Free online 16 March, 10am GMT.
Mugwort Ceremony (live online): We gather under the New Moon in Aries to begin. We will honour land, Mother and mystery and invoke the Dream realm. This initiatory ceremony will mark the beginning of our journey together - March 29th, 10am GMT.
5 x Weekly Somatic Movement sessions (live online): to drop symbol back into your body through different embodiment pathways. - Wednesdays 7.30-9am BST, 2-30 April.
2 x Dream Circles (live online) for you to offer devotion to the symbols that are alive for you and receive wisdom from the collective. - 13 April, 7pm and 22 April, 7pm BST.
1 x Dream Atelier Sessions (live online): a held space where you can imbue symbols with creative aliveness and stay close to what’s unravelling for you. - Date TBC when course commences.
3 x Dream Nidras (pre-recorded) to expand your capacity to Dream wildly.
Closing Ceremony (live online) for you to integrate your experiences and set a collective intention to deepen into the symbology of your life. - 30 April, 7pm BST.
All live sessions will be recorded and shared on the learning platform.
Tap into your inner wisdom and trust your intuition.
Unlock the deeper meaning behind Dreams, signs and synchronicities.
Develop a symbolic and embodied language for personal insight and spiritual growth.
Gain clarity & direction in your life through guided interrogation and integration of symbols.
Co-create with a community of devotees, seekers and Dreamers.
You’re drawn to symbols, Dreams and the mystery
You want to strengthen your intuition and inner knowing
You’d love a somatic map to guide you into the deeper layers of your being
You feel called to a more connected, creative and awakened life.
“In the dream, I am living in some indeterminate
time delineated only by the late atmosphere
of the sky at dusk, a house alone in the mountains
and my moving silhouette sharp against the moorland
light, happy at the end of a working day in some
old northern landscape, rearing sheep and walking,
with two tired, panting dogs at my side,
to a lighted kitchen, the last embers of the fire
brought to life by my kneeling.
But one thing remains the same in this abstraction,
when I look over my shoulder and smile, you are there
to greet me, to take my hand and walk with me
in the last of the precious light, talking together
of some future that cannot be imagined even by my ideal.
Our love of dreaming together,
as good as any future arrival.”
David Whyte
“As I feel into the experience of the Embodied Dream Circle I notice a watery energy moving through me. Just like water dreams feel both tangible and intangible, graspable and ungraspable. A paradox to live in close relationship with that infuses life with a meaning that can’t be put into words, it has to be experienced, painted, poured out into poetry. Sitting in dream circle with Libby feels like a communication between souls, a sharing of soul language. It is one of those experiences that has to be held lovingly and lightly so that it has room to move, shift, and undulate. I felt so blessed to have my dream be received and to then be offered a glimpse into the symbolism of psyche in another humans dream. I was amazed by how easily we slipped into the imaginal together and had a shared experience in realm of dreams.”